Line interactive

Aynı zamanda transformatörün diğer sargısı üzerinden çift yönlü dönüştürücü beslenmekte ve bu durumda dönüştürücü doğrultucu ya da bir şarjör gibi çalışarak akü grubunu şarj . Линейно-интерактивный ИБП. Line – Interactive , Lineinteractive – англ. Off-Line UPS: Şebeke gerilimi belli toleranslar halindeyse yükü doğrudan şebekeye bağlayan, şebeke gerilimi toleranslar dışına çıktığı zaman kesintisiz güç kaynağı konumuna geçen ve kısa süreli besleme yapabilen türdür. Informer Compact Serisi. Benzer Bu sayfanın çevirisini yap The line – interactive UPS uses a totally different design than any type of standby UPS.

ИБП line – interactive – это тип ИБП, который регулирует входное напряжение в широком диапазоне с помощью автотрансформатора без переключения на работу от АКБ. ИБП данного типа подразделяются на две основные группы : ИБП с аппроксимированной синусоидой и ИБП с чистым синусоидальным . VI (Voltage Independent). The output voltage is NOT independent of the input, but there is a stabilization that reduces variations. In the battle of line interactive vs.

Technical Comparison of On-line vs. Schneider Electric – Data Center Science Center White Paper Rev 1. Most of the factors that go into deciding which UPS to purchase are visible and easily understood: battery back-up time, cost, size, manufacturer, number of outlets, manageability,. With years of professional experience in the IT industry, it has been engaged in developing a wide variety of product lines which includes Communication, Display, UPS and Gadgets. These components interact in protecting the load within either an online, offline or line – interactive topology.

As we shall see, these modes represent different trade- offs between capital, operating costs, and levels of protection. LINE INTERACTIVE kategorisi ürünlerimizi satın al. Интерактивные ИБП осуществляют ступенчатую стабилизацию напряжения посредством . Here the UPS also monitors the voltage level and balances under and over voltages.

The VI technology offers a good compromise between reasonable. To add breaklines to an editable TIN, use the Add TIN Line interactive tool Add TIN Line from the TIN Editing toolbar. When the tool is clicke the Add TIN Line dialog window appears to let you specify properties for the breakline(s) to be created.

These properties include the breakline Line type, Height . Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Newline Interactive is a leading supplier of interactive touch screens and innovative software that increases productivity and enables collaboration. Newline Interactive develops products that help organizations in a wide range of vertical markets including financial services, education, . Переход на питание от батарей . The last thing that you want to happen when your power shuts off is to lose information, data, and more. Check out our line interactive UPS product. Explains the different types of UPS backup power systems, including line interactive , standby (offline) and.

Niky S – Line interactive UPS – single phase VI-SS. Product characteristics.