The market however is not foreigner friendly and requires some local knowledge to navigate. Located miles from Hong Kong, you may . Our very own Simone Giertz recently went on a trip to China, and reports on her visit from the famous Shenzhen. Solutions for your business in Shenzhen China. Benzer Bu sayfanın çevirisini yap – Mostly, his days at the factory start at 9:AM and wrap up somewhere between and PM.
This trip, he decided to do something about that.
The shopping area starts where Huaqiang North Road (aka Huaqiang Bei Lu) intersects with Shennan . Huaqiangbei is an area and subdistrict of Futian, Shenzhen , Guangdong Province, China. There are many electronics markets in the city too, but lucky me, Susan being a local took me to the number one . For me personally, one of the most interesting parts of this trip was spending some time in the vast electronic markets of downtown Shenzhen. This electronics bazaar is the heart of the Huaqiangbei shopping district. SEG electronics market is known world wide as a place where makers can come to find any kind of component they need to build their Internet of things devices.
The Huaqiangbei market in Shenzhen is filled with small alleyways each filled with booths. Shenzhen is the Silicon Valley of China, the epicenter of its growing array of homegrown tech titans.
But the city also serves as a sort of brain for the massive supply chain that . The markets of Shenzhen hawk smartwatches and hoverboards in every conceivable shape and colour. Huaqiangbei Commercial Area, a gigantic electronics market in the center of Shenzhen , is where numerous electronic stores, retail, wholesale outlets and everything in between stretch block after block. Visitors can come here to look for bargains, but most stores here serve startups from all parts of China . If you want to buy electronic products in Shenzhen , you must go to Huaqiang Bei Commercial Circle (North Huaqiang Commercial Street).
It is known as the largest electronic products market in the Asia. Responses to frequent questions about the Shenzhen electronics market in the Huaqiangbei area. SEG Communication Market. Pacific Security Protection Market. Yuanwang Digital Market.
I started visiting the Shenzhen electronic markets about years ago. Electronic Science and Technology Mansion. There, I learned about supply chains and how to mass-produce hardware.
You can find virtually anything you want in the many electronic markets which can be found around the city, most of which are clustered around Hua . Around the outside of Shenzhen are the suburbs and the large manufacturers, then as you move progressively closer to the middle you also get closer to the action, to where the electronics parts markets and the frenetic trading takes place. The epicentre of it all, the bullseye in the middle of the target, is called Huaqiang Bei .