Restriction of Hazardous. Substances Directive ( Belirli Zararlı. Maddelerin Kullanımını Kısıtlama) kelimesinin baş harflerinden oluşur. Konseyi tarafından kabul edilen.
Bazı elementlerin kullanıldığı ürünler hem çevre koşulları hem de insan sağlığı açısından son derece tehlikeli olabilmektedir. Bu elemntlerin kullanımından kaçınılamıyorsa, o zaman belli sınırlar içinde kalınması gerekmektedir. Bu Yönerge kurşun, kadmiyum, cıva, altı değerlikli krom, polibromlu bifenil (PBB) ve polibromlu difenil eter (PBDE) alev geciktirici .
Türkçe çeviri (v yeni) ? R” as an integral part of the date code. The date code can be found on product and package labels e. Inquiring about the reason, he was told that one line made traditional computers for the U. Exempted high- performance equipment (i.e. servers, storage and storage array systems, etc.) are not . In order to ensure that . Indicates product and packaging is lead-free. RoHS Compliance Definition.
High-gloss with permanent adhesive. Permanently attaches to corrugate. Get Your Electronics Products Compliant with Waste Directives.
Our green products are ROHS compliant and without hardous substances like lead or halogen. More information on Infineon – Your partner for sustainability. Fair-Rite Products Corp. Din Rails save time since many other control components can be mounted on the same rail – no components are direct mounted – ultimately saving our customers money. As always, our rails are not marked with a . If EEE is placed on the market in another EU country, and subsequently imported to the UK, the importer must ensure that the products are compliant.
Email Address will be used only for contact regarding any Certificate Requests you submit and for displaying your previously submitted Requests. The Merkle–Damgård hash function first applies an MD- compliant padding function to create an output whose size is a . Description, RESPIRATOR FACE MASK 1=1PCS. Manufacturer Standard Lead Time, Weeks . Device and Package Cross Reference.
Table through Table lists the device, package type, and number of pins for each. Altera device listed in this datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice.
Dimensions, Three chassis sizes. User-configurable supplies (to outputs). Protective features – inrush limiting, transient protection, EMI filtering.
Fan-cooled power supplies with high power density. Fully compliant with global standards. Materials: Rail: Anodised wrought aluminium alloy. Clamping strap, screws: High-alloy stainless steel.
Mounting thread for proximity sensor SM… O-8E. Free of copper and PTFE. Log-in or register for your pricing. For other questions not addressed by the knowledge base, please submit a technical support request. February Mouser Electronics, Inc.
Gray Zinc Nickel ( ZnNi) circular connectors from Amphenol Industrial. Click HERE to See Availability.