Hc 06 datasheet

Guangzhou HC Information Technology Co. CHECKED BY : Eric Huang. In the last chapter, the command set will be introduced. For example, consider the call comman sending out AT is already enough, need not add the CRLF.

In that example I used the Bluetooth module with its default settings. That works fine, but some applications may require changing the communication speed .

My earlier module which I received from another source (without an adapter, see this post) has a different firmware on it, known as HC0 while my. For most use cases the HCis enough, as typically I want to have a wireless UART. HCand HC(Source Wavesen Data Sheet ). You can download it at the bottom of the page. Note that the data sheet looks to be version 2. All the commands in the data sheet work though.

I have included an older English data sheet for the same firmware in the downloads section below. HC – 06_HC_LOGO The HC logo . Product Description: 1,Mainstream CSR Bluetooth chip, Bluetooth V2.

All data received through the serial input is immediately transmitted over the air. Application : 1、Computer and peripheral devices 2、GPS receiver 3、Industrial control 4、MCU projects 5、 Mouse, keyboar joystick. This manual consists of parts: PART 1. Testing the new Bluetooth device using Hyperterminal software.

What is an electronic brick? An electronic brick is an electronic module which can be assembled like Lego bricks simply by plugging in and pulling out. Compared to traditional universal boards and circuit modules assembled with various electronic . Serial port bluetooth, Drop-in replacement for wired serial connections, transparent usage. Name setting can be save even power down.

Pin code can be save even power down. Pin Map: Demonstration Circuit: . Query EGBT-045MS Bluetooth Address. Bluetooth Address Format: nn – NAP (bit Non-significant Address Por- tion) uu – UAP (bit Upper Address Portion) ll – LAP (bit Lower Address Portion).

Returned bluetooth address. They are based on the EGBT-045MS Bluetooth module. Update: I now also have boards marked fc-114. Part – Basic AT commands. It can directly plug into the Bee sockets and use the UART port for Bluetooth communication.

Can be configured as master or slave.

Examples for Arduino and other boards are available. Once you pair with other Bluetooth device you work like with normal UART to exchange .