Disguised as an every day SD car the imp is actually a unique combination of microprocessor and WiFi module. The imp makes connecting any device to the Internet a breeze. In essence, the Imp provides an easy, integrated way to connect almost any hardware device both to other devices and to internet services.
Join LinkedIn today for free. Поскольку это устройство мне показалось. Our unique WiFi-enabled connectivity.
Its connectivity platform enables commercial and industrial applications, and empowers manufacturers to manage and scale their connected products and services to users. Internet of Things (IoT) platform that securely connects devices with advanced cloud computing resources. Manufacturers and makers can use imp modules to connect a variety of useful devices, . What is the electric imp ? Electric Imp makes it easy for companies large and small to add Wi-Fi.
But those devices need a platform to easily create applications for them. Contribute to electric – imp – streaming development by creating an account on GitHub. With imp connectivity, you can remotely monitor and control the activity of your devices at home or out in the field.
First we will need to assemble the impExplorer Kit. An imp0car which contains a Wi-Fi radio and the microcontroller that drives all the logic for the board. The impExplorer board into which the card is plugged.