C Serisi Transistör Karşılıkları. Parameters and Characteristics. Unsubscribe from Thanh. A Ic, – 7hFE, Continental Device India Limited. NPN EPITAXIAL PLANAR TRANSISTOR.
Absolute Maximum Ratings. Driver Stage Amplifier Applications. High voltage and high current: VCEO = V (min),. Excellent hFE linearity : hFE (2) = 1(typ.) at VCE = V, . OEM, Toshiba Tokyo Shibaura Electric Co.
Additional Information. DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS. NPN general purpose transistor book, halfpage.
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Mounting position: Any. Dimensions in inches and (millimeters). MAXIMUM RATINGS AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Ratings at 25OC ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.
EasyEDA components online store LCSC. Search this site: Products. The document you are trying to download is gated. to MyON to proceed. General Purpose Amplifier. PNP Epitaxial Silicon Transistor.
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HF, SOT-343R, RP130Q351B . W Output Amplifier of Portable Radios in Class B Push-pull Operation. Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device.