AUTEC , Çalışma Bakanlığı işbirliği ile radyo kontrol sistemleri için emniyet standartlarını tespit ettiler. Vinç tertibatları ile frekans kontrollü uzaktan kumanda kullanımı kanunen denetim altına alındı. AUTEC ilk defa tescilli olarak şifreli frekans alışverişini geliştirdi. AUTEC ürünlerinin elektrik ve fonksiyonel . AUTEC Safety Remote Control : Wireless systems for the remote control of industrial lifting, off highway vehicles and machinery for the lifting of personnell and material.
Ankara Kaya Teknik yayın hayatına . Bu hedef doğrultusunda, operatörü, donanımı ve ortamı korumak amacıyla uzaktan kumanda aracılığıyla uzaktan kontrol edilen makineler tasarlanmıştır. Bu nedenle FANTINI, en zorlu ortamlar için her zaman emniyetli uzaktan kumandalar üreten, sektöründe Lider ( AUTEC ) firmasına başvurur. Autec On-Off Kumandası. Eng English Tr Turkish.
PELİT MAKİNE – Beton pompası ve vinçler. Durumu: Yüksek kalite Hücre Muadil Yeni Voltaj: 7. V Tipi:Ni-Mh Kapasite: 800mah. Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center ( AUTEC ), indicated the position of the oblong-shaped Weapons Range.
Also brightly outlined on the panel was Andros Islan one of the out- islands in the . ESMC Timing transponder supporting missile testing from ESMC Down-range Site of AUTEC Naval Facility: processing station for SOSUS, also serves as timing transponder supporting missile testing from ESMC Down-range Site of AUTEC , command and control station Down- range . Several years later, the crew of the Valiant-class SSN, HMS Churchill, coincidentally also conducting manoeuvres at AUTEC , briefly lost control of their boat. Before control was regaine her bows reached a depth of over 200ft, close to her theoretical pressure hull collapse limit. The AUTEC trials were followed by an . AUTEC is a manufacturer for a range of complete solutions for Access Control , Time Accounting, Building Automation and Security Management. Your specialist for Access Control and Building Automation.
AUTEC offers Access Control , Time Accounting systems and Building Automation. XMP-BABYLON is a fully configurable high-performance control system for integrated facility management. Project: Modernisation of SCADA System and Control System. Oetker Frischeprodukte in Moers”, specialised in milk dessert products, AUTEC was able to implement another modernisation project. The special challenge in this project was changing production over to the new system while operation continue i. Should you require spare parts or radio control repair service for your radio equipment contact Granada today.
We design, buil test, and maintain control systems from our headquarters in . The portable transmitter is a one hand unit. The operator can overlook the operation from any position suitable. The complete handling operation is done quicker, because the driver can operate the Sideloader and secure the container, .