Arduino external eeprom

All though this is a very easy and . I got my hands on an AT24C2(2kbit = kbyte serial EEPROM ). I found no library for it, so I created a small sketch with few functions to show how the i2c_eeprom_write_page and i2c_eeprom_read_byte functions work. Multiple EEPROMs on the bus are supported as a single address space. Certain assumptions are made regarding the . EEPROMs come in many forms but the LS2or 24LC2is a.

The photo shows the breadboarded circuit. Arduino External EEPROM Library. V supply on the due board. The yellow (pin 6) and white (pin 5) wires connected to the i2c . Wire Serial Communication (I2C) EEPROM – The back bone of any microprocessor project.

These pin chips need only two wires to communicate and retain the. In some scenarios we might need to keep some logging info or any kind of data that needs more than 1kb then we need to go for external EEPROM. For this post I am using 24LC25 it can store 256kb of data.

Unfortunately the size of this built in EEPROM is 5byte for Atmega1and 1kb for Atmega328.

If our application is dealing with very small amount of data to persist then built in . If you do not know, what EEPROM is, see page. For more info about used EEPROM AT24C01A, see attached datasheet. Inter- Integrated Circuit is serial synchronous bus. Other projects need more space to store their strings.

To these requirements, EEPROM seems a convenient and economical solution. This demonstrates the use of the Wire. This article explains how we can work with an external EEPROM. External EEPROMs are usually controlled by the​ I2C protocol and this article will deal with just such an EEPROM. The example will be for 24LC16B, but this tutorial will be universal for any EEPROM.

I recommend against this order. If you can, swap all the bytes and store the value LSB first, i. About: I picked up a few 24LC2eeproms to get some more external memory for future projects. These eeproms hold around 32Kbytes which is more than enough for a basic data-logger or for storing specific values.

You can hookup of these chips together to get a whopping total of 128Kbytes of . Come join us at TheLab.