Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice.
Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth. A in standby mode at VS = 2. User-selectable resolution. Fixed 10-bit resolution. And it supports output data rates ranging from 10Hz to. The sensor consists of a micro-machined structure on a . ADXL3, 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer with 13-Bit Resolution.
EVAL-ADXL345Z-DB datasheet link, BOARD EVAL FOR ADXL3. Variables are created for several of the ADXL3registers. These variables store the address of the indicated registers and are used to set and retrieve values from the accelerometer.
The datasheet shows all of the registers available on the ADXL3and their addresses. Digital output data is formatted as 16-bit twos complement and is accessible through either a SPI (3- or 4-wire) or I2C digital interface. Libraries for both communication protocols are provided below. This new version adds standoff holes as well as an extra decoupling capacitor.
Based on the excellent ADXL-3, this digital 3-axis accelerometer has excellent EMI protection. Its variable output makes it suitable for a wide range of applications: ▫ HDD shock protection. Lets look the main Features: Supply Voltage: . This version of the ADXL3adds standoff holes as well as an extra decoupling capacitor.
Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout – ADXL3from Sparkfun contains the Analog Device ADXL3sensor. AXIS ACCELEROMETER ADXL345. Bandwidth selectable via serial command. Medical instrumentation. Gaming and pointing devices.
The Adafruit_ADXL3driver takes advantage of I2C mode to reduce the total pin count required to use the sensor. More information on the ADXL3can be found in the datasheet : . For that, you need to send a second (dummy) byte, during which the ADXL3will send your data back (see data sheet , page 16). This diagram is an IIC connection method suitable with Arduino UNO. And if you want to use SPI interface, please refer to ADXL3datasheet for more info.
The ADXL3is a complete 3-axis acceleration measurement system. This time we focus on the accelerometer.