
We offer brush and brushless DC motors, stepper motors, drives and more. Oferecemos motores das escovas e brushless DC, motores de passo, discos e muito mais. Portescap is a motion control business group.

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Building upon a tradition of manufacturing excellence and driven by a passion for innovation, . We offer one of the broadest miniature motor product lines in the industry, encompassing Brush DC, Brushless DC, Stepper Can Stack, Linear. CanStack Motor 5Vdc, Wires. Disc magnet 15deg stepper motor,16mm dia. Disk Magnet Motor, 4Wire, mNm, 0. The company serves its customers through breadth of innovative product technologies encompassing . Fortive (NYSE: FTV) is a diversified industrial growth company providing essential industrial technology and professional instrumentation solutions.


We offer extensive prototype manufacturing facilities staffed by experienced . This actuator has phase permanent magnet stepper motor technology and utilise a rotor with an internal thread to provide linear motion via a lead screw. Lead screw attached to the driven mechanism, when lead screw is prevented from rotating the operation. Wir bieten bürstenlose und Bürsten-DC-Motoren, Schrittmotoren, Antriebe und mehr. This new size (3 mm diameter) mini motor is available in 9. Check stock and pricing, view product specifications, and order online.

CW rotation from shaft end. Find executives and the latest company news. Featuring its proven energy efficient coreless design with an optimized self-supporting coil and . In addition, Danaher Motion, through Motion Engineering . Unit delivers closed-loop feedback and speed control and includes maximized immunity to dust and vibration-related jitter. These 35-mm linear stepper motors offer an enhanced design suitable for applicatio.

Assortment containing brand new high quality stepper motors. You will find bipolar and unipolar types. Please no special requests. Picture is representative, however assortments will vary.

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Активная часть ротора состоит непосредственно из обмотки без применения каркаса. Это обеспечивает высокую . We have continually advanced the state of the art for power, precision and efficiency in miniature motion. Driven by our passion for innovation, technical . Japan Danaher Motion Japan, 2F, Sigma . The majority of the escap° products are designe engineered and manufactured at the parent company in La Chaux-de-Fonds, in the canton of Neuchatel.