Standard Adjustable Crimp Tool. Over a thousand turret heads are available to adapt the tool frame to your specific military or . The tool has a double action ratchet and cannot be opened without completing the cycle. The eight impression crimp, which is standard in the AF assures absolute maximum tensile strength with almost . Browse our latest Crimp Tools offers.
Free Next Day Delivery. Get a sample or request a quote. Shop with confidence on eBay! Over , 0turret heads or positioners are available to adapt the tool frame to.
Also find here related product comparison. This Daniels crimper conforms to U. There are more than 0turret heads or positioners .
With step selector knob. Turrets not included) Tool is completely functional and maybe engraved. Dial Selectable, indent crimp, controlled cycle ratchet – requires a turret head or positioner determined by the contact part number. Contact CMS with connector or contact part numbers for turret . This Hand Crimp Tool has been designed for use with the following Datamate Mix-Tek Power Crimp.
Male power crimp contact for AWG wire. Used in Mix-Tek male crimp connectors). Click here for full catalog with details and specs . Способ закупки: Открытый запрос предложений. Дата начала приема предложений: 11.
Дата окончания приема предложений: 17. Explore Daniels on Octopart: the fastest source for datasheets, pricing, specs and availability. Coaxial Contact Tool Selection Guide. Open Frame Crimp Tools. RF Connectors Tool Selection Guide.
The DMC AF qualified to MIL-.
Crimping Tool Turret Die or Positioner. BIG BLUE DMC CRIMP FRAME TOOL AF8.