TEC Electric Motors have recently upgraded the stock holding of ATEX motors to include Zone Zone Zone along with 2GD dual certified motors. GD motors, 1ph motors and all Zones of ATEX gearbox are available upon request. All motors and gearboxes are made, modified and certified in . GENERAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION.
If provides a classification for motors into areas containing explosive atmospheres. More than product specification, the present Directive gives special attention to the production process including design, production itself and sale.
Three-phase electric motors suitable to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres. Every day Kollmorgen pushes the boundaries of motion to deliver optimized solutions that satisfy even the most demanding application requirements in the harshest of environments. This includes helping machine builders effectively meet the often complex and time-consuming requirements for ATEX certification. ABB low voltage motors for explosive atmospheres comply fully with the ATEX Products Directive.
According to the regulations, low voltage motors for explosive atmospheres are exempted from the Low Voltage Directive, the EMC Directive and the Machinery Directive. The IECEx System is a certification . Find all the manufacturers of atex motor and contact them directly on DirectIndustry. Hazardous Area Motors from Motors-Direct.
Typical ATEX Markings: II G,. European Community marking of explosion. In a surrounding where explosive gases, vapor-air mixture or combustible dust can form, special electric drives are required.
LinMot ATEX, a variant of the linear motors, was been developed for those special conditions. The motors are completely encapsulated in stainless steel and require no gaskets. Gas constantly present.
No Electrical motors to be placed in this area. LEESON is certified for ATEX Zone and and has UL certification for. Capabilities by Area Classification and by Temperature Code.
LEESON Electric has been an innovator of the design and production of explosion proof . Alleinshutz defines the certification of flameproof motor and protection device together. Explosion Proof Motors. In the IEC world the most common protection device is a thermistor and relay that is set to switch off the motor in case of overheating before any danger of explosion can occur, . Minimum IPprotection. The above specification and options give a brief summary of features available for the W flameproof range.
For a full listing of optional features, please contact Brook Crompton sales.