An electrical motor is such an electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a mechanical energy. In case of three phase AC operation, most widely used motor is Three phase induction motor as this type of motor does not require any starting device or we can say they are self starting induction motor. Depending upon the type of rotor used the three phase induction motor are classified as-. The construction of stator for both the kind of three phase induction motor remains the same and is discussed in brief . Basically there are two types of phase IM – 1. Squirrel cage induction motor and 2.
Phase Wound induction motor (slip-ring induction motor ). Both types have similar constructed rotor, but they differ in construction of rotor. This is explained further. Many single-phase motors having two windings can be viewed as two- phase motors, since a capacitor is used to generate a . Out of all types, phase induction motors. Dragonfly Education is an education company, that is building proprietary education content for higher learning.
In this video basic of construction and working principle of phase induction motor is explained with the help. Continue reading “Three phase induction motor”