An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. See datasheet (PDIP) 8SO: mm2: 7. SO) 8SOIC: mm2: x 4. Datasheet – production data. General-purpose single operational amplifier. Large input voltage range. Short-circuit protection.
No frequency compensation required. The µA7is a general-purpose operational amplifier featuring offset -voltage null capability. The high common-mode input voltage range and the absence of latch-up make the amplifier ideal for voltage-follower applications. The device is short-circuit protected and the internal frequency compensation ensures . The UA7is a high performance monolithic opera- tional amplifier constructed on a single silicon chip.
It is intented for a wide range of analog applications. The high gain and wide range of operating voltages provide superior performances in . For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the data sheet. Daha detaylı bilgi için veri sayfalarını ( datasheet ) inceleyiniz.
Giriş Voltajları arasındaki maksimum fark: 15V. Fairchild Planar epitaxial process. FAIRCHILD LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT. FREQUENCY-COMPENSATED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER.